FFmpegfs Fuse Multi Media Filesystem 2.16
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAUDIO_SETTINGSAudio stream settings
 Cav_context_deleterDelete helper struct for std::shared_ptr<AVCodecContext>
 CBlurayIOBlu-ray I/O class
 CBufferThe Buffer class
 C_tagCACHEINFOStructure to hold current cache state
 CCacheThe Cache class
 Csqlite_tThe sqlite_t class Wrapper for sqlite3 struct to make use of std::shared_ptr
 CTABLE_COLUMNSColumn definition of sql table
 CTABLE_DEFDefinition of sql table
 CCache_EntryThe Cache_Entry class
 CCACHE_INFOCache information block
 CcompThe comp struct to make std::string find operations case insensitive
 CDiskIODisk file I/O class
 CDvdIODVD I/O class
 CFFmpeg_BaseThe FFmpeg_Base class
 CFFmpeg_FrameThe FFmpeg_Frame class
 CFFmpeg_ProfilesThe FFmpeg_Profiles class
 CPROFILE_LISTList of profiles
 CPROFILE_OPTIONProfiles options
 CFFmpeg_SubtitleThe FFmpeg_Subtitle class
 CFFmpeg_TranscoderThe FFmpeg_Transcoder class
 CBUFFER_DATABuffer structure, used in FFmpeg_Transcoder::read_packet
 CINPUTFILEInput file definition
 COUTPUTFILEOutput file definition
 CPRORES_BITRATEPredicted bitrates for Apple Prores, see https://www.apple.com/final-cut-pro/docs/Apple_ProRes_White_Paper.pdf
 CPRORES_FRAMERATEList of ProRes frame rates
 CStreamRefIn/output stream reference data
 CFFmpegfs_FormatThe FFmpegfs_Format class
 CFFMPEGFS_PARAMSGlobal program parameters
 CFileIOBase class for I/O
 CHWACCELHardware acceleration device and type
 CID3v1ID3 version 1 tag
 CIMAGE_FRAMEImage frame header
 CLoggingLogging facility
 CLoggerLogging helper class
 CTHREAD_DATATHREAD_DATA struct to pass data from parent to child thread
 Cthread_poolThe thread_pool class
 CVcdChapterVideo CD chapter
 CVCDCHAPTERVideo CD chapter
 CVcdEntriesVideo CD entries
 CVcdInfoThe VcdInfo class
 CVcdIOVideo CD and Super Video CD I/O class
 CVCDMSFVideo CD MSF time format
 CVIDEO_SETTINGSVideo stream settings
 CVIRTUALFILEVirtual file definition
 CBLURAY_CHAPTERExtra value structure for Blu-ray disks
 CCUESHEET_TRACKExtra value structure for cue sheets
 CDVD_CHAPTERExtra value structure for DVDs
 CVCD_CHAPTERExtra value structure for Video CDs
 CWAV_DATA_HEADERWAVE data header structure
 CWAV_FACTWAVE "fact" header structure
 CWAV_HEADERWAVE header structure
 CWAV_HEADER_EXWAVE extended header structure
 CWAV_LIST_HEADERWAVE list header structure